Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekly Pink Goes Green Tip

Walking around campus do you tend to get lazy and decide to go through the automatic door?  Is it really that hard to open a door yourself?  I see students all the time pushing the button and walking through the these doors, instead of opening a normal door with their own two hands.  Are we really that lazy these days?  I understand it might be more convenient, but seriously, come on here people!!  Next time you go to push the button for an automatic door, stop and think, how does this effect the environment?  I know your probably thinking that these doors can't effect our environment.  But truth of the matter is it does.  By not using an automatic door you can conserve energy.  At one school in New Jersey, every time students use these doors is costs ten cents.  This is money that students tuition goes towards, which could be used in a much more productive way.  Just think, some of our BW tuition money could be going towards the costs of energy used to open an automatic door because people are lazy and cannot open a door their self.  If all the money I spend going to school here is going towards this, I know I would be upset.  BW is supposed to be a green campus, but our students and faculty contradict this issue by using automatic doors.  So my tip for the week is to be more self conscious walking around campus because all of our actions and behaviors do impact the environment. 

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