Being a college student or a professional in the workforce, how many times do you use your printer a day? A week? And even a month? Probably a lot more than you actually realize. I know that I am constantly printing out assignments, notes or other things that I need to have on paper. But all of the things I print out, how much of it do I really need??
We can start being more sustainable by the way we print papers off the computer. If we do not need something on paper, then save it to your computer. Do you really need to print out that news article or can you just add it to your favorites and look back on it later?? These are the little things we need to consider when we use the printer. If it is necessary to print out an article or a document that is not that important, try to print it out on scrap paper.
When your receive an assignment that is to be turned in on paper, try to remember to print it front and back. Many professors do not mind if you turn in your paper or final project like this. In fact, most of the printers on Baldwin-Wallace's campus automatically print front and back. Also, I would assume businesses would not mind printing front and back either considering many of them are looking for ways to be more eco-friendly.
In addition, many printers have multiple settings for print quality. Use the high quality print setting for things that have to look nice, but use the low quality setting for things that don't. This will save ink. I though this tip was very interesting because I did not even know that printers had different quality settings.
I know that this printing advice will be useful in my life everyday to help make me be more sustainable and I hope it is just as useful in yours too.
I love all these green tips. They are all so interesting and helpful!!