Thursday, October 14, 2010

Earth Day Coalition Walk

To help support our Pink Goes Green program, our chapter has participated in the Earth Day Coalition Walk for the past two years.  The walk takes place at the Cleveland Zoo.  It is a 6 mile walk around the Cleveland Metro parks leading into the back entrance of the zoo.  If you participate in the walk then you get free entrance into the zoo to see all the animals.  Once your inside the zoo, the Earth Day Coalition has activities going on, tents set up with sponsors and free food.  All the girls who attend have a really great time bonding, walking and supporting the Earth Day Coalition.  For more information about the event and the organization, visit  Below are some pictures of us walking from last year's 21 Annual Walk or Bike for the Earth Event. 

Some of the Delta Zeta's at check in
All of us trying to warm up on the walk
Optional jazzercize in the zoo parking lot before the walk begins

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