Wednesday, October 20, 2010

NASCAR is Going Green

While searching for a class article I found one explaining how NASCAR is now going green.  CEO and chairman Brian France announced before Saturday night's Sprint Cup race that NASCAR will move to an ethanol blend of fuel beginning with the 2011 Daytona 500.  The 15% ethanol blend will consist of corn grown by American farmers and blended at fuel supplier Sunoco's plant in Marcus Hook, PA.  The fuel will be cleaner burning and provide more horsepower.  NASCAR has already done alot by creating an eco-friendly environment.  They recycle all tires, oils, fluids and batteries used in competitions.  Switching to ethanol is a huge and important step for NASCAR.  They are hoping to attract new sponsors and a younger demographic in the green economy.  To read more, visit NASCAR Goes Green.

This article really surprised me.  I know everyone is focusing on being more eco-friendly.  Companies have participated in various ways to go green.  I guess I never expected for a company this big to do something so extreme.  This is a great idea and will truly make an improvement in the environment.  I hope this turns out to be a huge success and beneficial experience for the world of NASCAR.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! I feel like after 500+ laps around tracks, they use a lot of fuel. What a great way to go green and help American Farmers!
