Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Going Green on Halloween

It's that time of year again when all the ghosts and goblins come out.  It's kids favorite time of year, because they can eat as much candy as they want.  Halloween is a fun and exciting holiday that is now turning green.  Since world now revolves around being eco-friendly, people are providing tips to be more eco-friendly on holidays, such as Halloween.  While searching the Internet, I found an article called the Top Ten Ways to Go Green This Halloween.  The tips let you not only have a green Halloween but also make it cheap.  The article says to reuse your costume, which I already gave for the weekly tip.  It also says to have party, decorate your house with nature, light up the night using LED lights or BOGO flashlights and to reuse your trick and treat bag.  The article includes links for you to be able to check out and buy LED lights, the BOGO flashlight, reusable Halloween bags and other stuff. 

I think that people need to start having a more green and cheap Halloween because this is what we are now supporting.  Every one's focus is shifting to create a more eco-friendly and sustainable world.  I think people should take these tips seriously and use them.  Be more creative with them.  It's your Halloween, so make the choice and be more green.  To see the full article with all ten tips, visit

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