Monday, October 4, 2010

Pink Goes Green

Delta Zeta is home to the first national "Going Green" Initiative among all Fraternities and Sororities.  They have adopted this philanthropy because of the worldwide concern for our environment.  Delta Zeta Pink Goes Green mission is to improve the environment, educate the public on what they can do and help them do it, and empower those they impact with the knowledge that just one person can make a difference to protect the environment and enrich our planet.  Delta Zeta Pink Goes Green program is making huge improvements at 158 collegiate campuses and within local communities around the United States, United Kingdom and Canada. 

I have been a proud member of Delta Zeta Gamma Alpha Chapter at BW for the past three years.  I have been a chairman of Sisterhood Support and now on our exec council as Vice President of Programming.  I love planning the events and helping the sorority out in any way possible.  I know so much about the sorority, but unfortunately I know little about the Pink Goes Green program.  That is why I am so eager to learn more about Delta Zeta's efforts in going green.

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